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Guidance from the SAC

2018 Scientific Advisory Committee Meeting


Each year, the SAC provides feedback for the USTUR’s faculty and staff. This feedback comes in the form of general comments on the work that the USTUR is conducting, and recommendations as to what the USTUR should focus on in the coming year.


  1. The proposed mission statement is improved in pointing toward using the data for biokinetic/dosimetric models.
  2. We are pleased with progress in demonstrating value to DOE officials. Continued progress and expansion are encouraged (see recommendations).
  3. The USTUR productivity in publications this year is to be commended.
  4. The USTUR has shown significant effort toward identifying collaboration opportunities with outsiders this year.
  5. We are disappointed with the limited progress on development of DQO/MQOs.


  1. To assure the confidentiality of individuals’ information, add to the mission statement that all research and collaborative efforts will be in keeping with the Privacy Act requirements and IRB approval.
  2. Continue and enhance publication of papers and presentations with broadened scope and audience (external and internal).
  3. Produce a list of identified potential collaborators.
  4. Create a Quality Assurance Plan that includes 1) the Mission Statement, 2) the data required to meet the Mission Statement Objectives, 3) the Measurement Quality Objectives (accuracy, precision, sensitivity, selectivity, completeness, etc.), and 4) the quality control limits for the different measurement parameters that monitor and control the MQOs. Quality Assurance Project Plans may also be developed for specific collaboration needs.
  5. Complete implementation of the initiative for collecting bioassay monitoring data from living Registrants.
  6. Need to complete 5-year, and 10-year plans by establishing benchmark completion dates for stated goals.
  7. Enhance relationship with WSU Tri-Cities and Pullman campuses in collaborative development of research projects and student involvement through interface at all levels of the organizations. Take advantage of doors that have been opened at the Nuclear Science Center.
  8. Develop a written operating procedure for control, release, and potential return of data and tissues that lists responsibilities and authorizing individuals.