USTUR’s director (Tony James) is one of 7 US representatives participating in the 4th JAEA/EPA Workshop, Tokai-mura, Japan, November 6 – 8. He will present an overview of USTUR’s research objectives and progress on our current 5-y DOE grant.

Book of abstracts
USTUR’s JAEA paper

Japanese hosts and U.S. delegates at Tokai-mura Atomic Museum – from the left: Fumiaki Takahashi (JAEA); Terry Brock (USNRC); Mike Boyd (USEPA); David Pawel (USEPA); Tony James (USTUR); Evan Douple (NRSB/NAS); Keith Eckerman (ORNL); Sara DeCair (USEPA); Akiro Endo (JAEA); Albert Einstein.