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Selected Presentations

2016 Scientific Advisory Committee Meeting


WSU/COP Campus Overview – Lazarus, A.

The Spokane campus was established in 1889 and continues to expand. It has mostly graduate and professional students. Its newest entity is the College of Medicine, which would like to be able to accept its first class in 2017. The medical school will focus on community-based medicine and primary care. The College of Pharmacy is located on the WSU Spokane campus. It has about $6.7 million in grant funding, including $1 million in non-NIH federal funding.

Updates from DOE, Guidance for FY2017 – Worthington, P.

The Department of Energy’s Office of Health and Safety funds several programs and studies, which were briefly discussed. It understands that it has a long-term commitment to the USTUR, and will do everything it can to make sure funding isn’t cut, and will look for ways to compensate for unique things that come up.

Administrative & Financial Developments – Bedell, M.

The USTUR grant currently supports 5.8 full-time-equivalent personnel, and has supported several part-time student hires at various points during the past year. It was awarded $900,000 for both FY2016 and FY2017. Actual FY2016 expenditures and projected FY2017 expenditures were summarized. The USTUR received additional funds in the form of external funding, and also a DOE grant to for activities related to the USTUR’s 50th anniversary.


2015 SAC Recommendations & 2016 Overview – Tolmachev, S.Y.

At the 2015 meeting, the SAC made 10 recommendations for the coming year. The USTUR made progress toward each recommendation. Dr. Tolmachev summarized this progress, as well as collaborative projects, Registrant statistics, the health physics database, in-house radiochemistry operations, and the frequency of USTUR publications/citations through the years.


National Human Radiobiology Tissue Repository – McComish, S.L.

A total of 22,955 samples have been inventoried at the National Human Radiobiology Tissue Repository. These include frozen tissues, acid-dissolved tissues, and planchets from donors to the USTUR program, as well as tissues from the Argonne National Laboratory collection and acid-dissolved tissues from the population studies carried out by Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory.


Health Physics Database Progress Report – Avtandilashvili, M.

Entry of health physics information into the health physics database from paper records has been underway for several years. Current work focuses on entering records for deceased Registrants. Highest priority is given to new donations, and data from older donations are entered one worksite at a time. During the past year, 18,635 records from 41 Registrant cases have been entered. Completed cases were summarized by intake type, primary radionuclide of exposure, and solubility class.
