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U.S. Transuranium and Uranium Registries Conference Contributions

European Radiation Dosimetry Group, Working Group 7 on Internal Dosimetry, October 1-2, 2014

Sergei Tolmachev and Stacey McComish attended the plenary meeting of the European Radiation Dosimetry Group’s (EURADOS) Working Group 7 (WG7) on internal dosimetry in Warsaw, Poland, October 1-2, 2014. Dr. Tolmachev and Ms. McComish are participants in WG7’s task group on biodosimetry, and are contributing to a review article on the biodosimetry of internal emitters. Additionally, they attended the task group meeting on microdosimetry. Brian Miller of PNNL gave a presentation about the digital autoradiography technique that he developed. Dr. Miller has been collaborating with the USTUR, and included in his presentation a digital autoradiograph of the radium distribution in a bone from the radium collection at the National Human Radiobiology Tissue Repository.

EURADOS website